Thursday 22 September 2016

Announcements: Update!

Hi parents!

We've officially gotten through the first two weeks of school. It has been crazy! From trying to establish routines and reorganizing our classes, it's been pretty chaotic, but we're getting there!

  • I wanted to let you know that we have received photo consent from every family in our classroom, so thank you!! It's wonderful to have :) We can't wait to start sharing pictures with you. Please know we will never post it anywhere other than what we've mentioned, and we never use last names. Thank you for trusting us :) I'm sure you're all looking forward to seeing pictures of your child.
  • Please continue to have discussions at home about how we act in school and the consequences for not listening. Our classroom rules are:
  1. Be a good friend
  2. Listening ears
  3. Walking feet
  4. Clean up after yourself
  5. Hands and feet to yourself

Hopefully with it coming from both you and us, we can help minimize some behaviours. 

  • Our milk program has started! Everyone has received a sheet informing you of when it begins and how to purchase tickets. $9.00 is a weird amount, but please bring in exact change to help us out :) Remember to put tickets in your child's lunch bag and not their important bag.
  • We kindly ask that everyone brings in a labeled water bottle that they bring everyday. We sometimes stay outside for outdoor play, and we want to limit the number of bodies going in and getting drinks from the fountain (and it's more hygienic!) 
  • We will be cashing in cheques for special events next week
  • IF possible and only if possible, please pay for scholastic online OR using a cheque. When money is sent in, I have to write a cheque... which I don't mind, but we can't send cash in the mail. I'll still accept it though! :P

Things I'm still waiting on clarification for:

  • Tribes
  • School Cash Online
  • Pizza!

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