Friday 5 December 2014

Friday Update - December 5th, 2014

Good evening everyone :)

I hope you all are enjoying your Friday night and are ready for the weekend! I can't believe it's already December. It seems like just yesterday I was meeting all of you for the first time! With the countdown to Winter break, it's been a busy week in Kinderland, and the next two weeks will be just as busy! I hope you enjoy reading about our week :)

Behind the Scenes: Independent Reading 

I took pictures of students this week during independent reading. We've encouraged students to choose a spot away from their friends so they won't be likely to chat with each other. We showed students these pictures at the end of the day for them to self-reflect on their choices.

Let's Play Dress-Up!

After MONTHS of waiting, we finally received our costumes! If you remember from an earlier post, I stated how many of you wrote that your children like to play dress up in your parent surveys, so the Kindergarten team used their fundraising money to buy these adorable costumes! We will be rotating them throughout the Kindergarten classes. Since I put the order in, I got to keep some of them first :D

Lara is doing Giulia's hair :)

Lily loved her haircut from hairdresser Izze!

Victoria is getting a trim! Don't take too much off! ;) (plastic scissors, don't worry)

I offered the girls some magazines and cappuccinos while they waited to get their hair done. Cuteness overload!!!

A glimpse of some of our other costumes, including a train engineer, a chef, a fire fighter, and a construction worker!

Guest Speaker: Physiotherapist

Today we were thrilled to have Mrs. Griffin come in and teach us about her job as a Physiotherapist! She brought in tons of really neat tools for us to look at and explained what they all did. We learned that when people are hurt, they go see people like Mrs. Griffin to get better. We learned about bones, muscles, and joints, and what they do for our body :) Thank you for joining us!

Volcano Art: Paint Blowing!

I found a really cute idea on Pinterest about using paint blowing to make lava look like it's exploding out of volcanos. It didn't work as well as we had hoped, but the products still turned out great! We kept two in our classroom to hang up in our Volcano and Lava corner :) We hope they had fun!

Tower Building

On Friday, the boys made an amazing tower that had a car ramp in the middle. Miss Smith and I were super impressed! Great job, guys!

Get Better!

We had a lot of students off sick this week. We hope that they feel better soon and can come back and play with us :)

  • Pizza orders are due on December 11th. Remember if you don't submit it, you will miss out on 3 months of pizza!
  • Scholastic Orders for Dec. have been processed and should (hopefully) be arriving next week at some point.
  • Holiday craft day is next Thursday! We look forward to making lots of winter crafts :)
  • Thank you to those parents who keep donating toilet paper rolls- the kids use them everyday!
That's all for now! Have an awesome weekend :)

~ Miss Pliura

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