Tuesday 20 October 2020

Oct 20th Update

Here are some pictures of us during our play time and art time! 

During our morning match circle, we are learning how to count on. What that means, is instead of counting from 1, we count on from a certain number, like 6.... 7, 8, 9. You can play a simple game with verbal counting and say a number between 1 and 10, and then they have to count up from that number. We're using it to count objects. It's faster, and it's also a stepping stone to adding. Watch our video below!

Just to clarify, the reason our friends stay out in the morning when the other classes don't: 

a) This was a decision made by the principal to limit the number of parents staying on the property in the morning

b) The other classes go inside with their classroom's ECE who supervise them. Because I don't have one, they wouldn't be supervised inside, and I can't because I'm not on supervision.

Hope that clarifies!

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