Tuesday 1 October 2019

Literacy: Listening Skills!

When we think of literacy, we typically think of reading and writing, which is true! However, for students who are 4 and 5, there's a lot more that happens before that. The main component of literacy in Kindergarten is oral communication and listening. Listening is a skill! I can't tell you how many times during an assembly I've seen students stand up for "student of the month" despite being the student of the month, hehe. If we want to students to answer a question such as "What sound do you hear first?", they first have to be able to listen to the question, understand it, think about the answer, and then orally state it. It's quite the process!

Over the past week, we've been playing lots of listening games! Today we played, "Who!?", where the teacher asks questions such as "Who played at dramatic play today? Who is a girl? Who didn't play at the doll house today?" and students answered by raising or not raising their hand. We are also learning how to properly respond to questions. Feel free to practice at home! :)

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