Saturday 1 November 2014

Jr. Dance Team is Back!

Hi everyone!

This post is meant for those who are a part of Gatestone's Jr. Dance Team :) We are back for Year 2! I am so excited to start it up again for another fun year full of awesome performances! There are a few changes happening this year. As a teacher, it's natural for me to reflect on past teaching experiences. So as a dance teacher, here are a couple of things I've reflected on and am changing this year:

New this Year
  • As much as I would love for the team to perform in the Winter assembly, last year we didn't have enough time to choreograph our year end routines and had to cram in crazy after-school dance rehearsals just to get them finished. This year, we will be choreographing our year-end routines right from the beginning :)
  • Last year we had students dropping out of routines mid-year or even worse, near the end of the year when it was near performance time. This causes much stress within the team since we have to re-do formations. This year, students will be signing a contract that states that they are willing to attend all practices and stick with it. We've given students an opportunity to try out the different styles of dance (jazz, lyrical, hip hop) to see if they like it before they commit to the team. You can view the contract here. I believe that students should take responsibility for their actions, and when they commit to something, they should stick with it. If for some reason a student changes their mind or are finding it too difficult, they should speak with me A.S.A.P.
  • Students in Grades 4 and 5 are allowed to join a maximum of 2 dances. Only students in Grade 6 are allowed to join all 3.
  • This year, we will have two different types of sessions: choreography sessions and practice sessions. Miss Lo and Mrs. Gould will be helping to run practices. 
  • This year we're been invited to DanceFest! DanceFest is an event run by Glendale Secondary School that invites all dance teams to come perform in a competition and participate in workshops with dance professionals. DanceFest takes place on January 8th. Since we won't have our routines done by then, we will be submitting our Jazz routine from last year ("Black and Gold") into the competition, and all other team members are welcome to come watch and participate in the workshop. More details to come soon!

Every month, I will be releasing a schedule that states when our rehearsal sessions are. Each student will be given a copy, and a copy will be posted outside of my room, room 110. I will be choreographing 3 different routines this year for students in grades 4, 5, and 6. Here is November's Schedule :) Due to Kindergarten Parent Observations, there will be no practices from the 10th - 14th.

Click Above Image to Enlarge


Songs have already been chosen and edited. Please make sure your children listen to my versions.

Jazz - "Primadonna"

Lyrical - "Try"

Hip Hop - "A Little Party"


Rehearsals take place during Nutrition Breaks. We dance for the first 25 minutes and then go back to my room so students can eat their lunches. Students do not need to bring any particular shoes- socks or barefeet are fine. Comfy clothing on rehearsal days is suggested!

If you have any questions, please tweet me or call me at the school and leave a message with the office. Thanks for your support!

~ Miss Pliura

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